Monday, December 31, 2012

Hell: Where the Punishment shall be According to the Nature of Sin.

Hell is one, yet has seven centers one below another;. Hence, even as sin is of seven kinds, for as seven gates of hell has Satan generated it: so are there seven punishments therein.

For the proud, that is the loftiest in heart, shall be plunged into the lowest center,passing through all the centers above it, and suffering in them all the pains that are therein. And as here he seeks to be higher than God, in wishing to do after his own manner, contrary to that which God commands, and not wishing to recognize anyone above him: even so there shall he be put under the feet of Satan and his devils, who shall trample him down as the grapes are trampled when wine is made, and he shall be ever derided and scorned of devils.

'The envious, who here chaffs at the good of his neighbor and rejoices at his misfortune, shall go down to the sixth Center, and there shall be chafed by the fangs of a great number of infernal serpents. And it shall seem to him that all things in hell rejoice at his torment, and mourn that he be not gone down to the seventh center. For although the damned are incapable of any joy, yet the justice of God shall cause that it shall so seem to the wretched envious man, as when one seems in a dream to be spurned by some one and feels torment thereby even so shall be the object set before the wretched envious man. For where there is no gladness at all it shall seem to him that every one rejoices at his misfortune, and mourns that he has no worse.

The covetous shall go down to the fifth Center, where he shall suffer extreme poverty, as the rich feast suffered. And the demons, for greater torment, shall offer him that which he desires, and when he shall have it in his hands other devils with violence shall snatch it from his hands with these words: "Remember that you would not give for love of God; so God wills not that you now receive. Oh unhappy man! Now shall he find himself in that condition when he shall remember past abundance and behold the penury of the present; and that with the goods that then he may not have he could have acquired eternal delights!

To the fourth centre shall go the lustful, where they that have transformed the way given them by God shall be as corn that is cooked in the burning dung of the devil. And there shall they be embraced by horrible infernal serpents. And they that shall have sinned with harlots, all these acts of impurity shall be transformed for them into union with the infernal furies; which are demons like women, whose hair is serpents, whose eyes are flaming sulphur, whose mouth is poisonous, whose tongue is gull whose body is all girt with barbed hooks like those wherewith they catch the silly fish, whose claws are like those of gryphons, whose nails are razors, the nature of whose generative organs is fire. Now with these shall all the lustful enjoy the infernal embers which shall be their bed.

To the third center shall go down the slothful who will not work now. Here are built cities and immense palaces, which as soon as they are finished must needs be pulled down straightway, because a single stone is not placed aright. And these enormous stones are laid upon the shoulders of the slothful, who has not his hands free to cool his body as he walks and to ease the burden, seeing that sloth has taken away the power of his arms. and his legs are fettered with infernal serpents. And, what is worse, behind him are the demons, who push him, and make him fall to earth many times beneath the weight; nor does any help him to lift it up: no, it being too much to lift, a double amount is laid upon him.

To the second center shall go down the gluttonous. Now here there is dearth of food, to such a degree that there shall be nought to eat but live scorpions and live serpents, which give such torment that it would be better never to have been born than to eat such food. There are offered to them indeed by the demons, in appearance, delicate meats; but for that they have their hands and feet bound with fetters of fire, they cannot put out a hand on the occasion when the meat appears to them. But what is worse, those very scorpions which he eats that they may devour his belly, not being able to come forth speedily, rend the secret parts of the glutton. And when they are come forth foul and unclean, filthy as they are, they are eaten over again.

The wrathful goes down to the first centre, where he is insulted by all the devils and by as many of the damned as go down lower than he. They spurn him and smite him, making him lie down upon the road where they pass, planting their feet upon his throat. Yet is he not able to defend himself, for that he has his hands and feet bound. And what is worse, he is not able to give vent to his wrath by insulting others, seeing that his tongue is fastened by a hook, like that which he uses who sells flesh. 

In this accursed place shall there be a general punishment, common to all the centers, like the mixture of various grains make a loaf. For fire, ice, thunderstorms, lightning, sulphur, heat, cold, wind, frenzy, terror, shall all be united by the justice of God, and in such wise that the cold shall not temper, the heat nor the fire the ice, but each shall give torment to the wretched sinner.

In this accursed spot shall abide the infidels for evermore: insomuch that if the world were filled with grains of millet, and a single bird once in a hundred years should take away a single grain to empty the world if when it should be empty the infidels were to go into paradise, they would rest delighted. But there is not this hope, because their torment cannot have an end, seeing that they were not willing for the love of God to put an end to their sin. But the faithful shall have comfort, because their torment shall have an end.'

'Every one, be he who he may, must go into hell. It is true, however, that the holy ones and prophets of God shall go there to behold, not suffering any punishment and the righteous, only suffering fear.

And what to say? I tell you that thither shall come [even] the Messenger of God, to behold the justice of God. Thereupon hell shall tremble at his presence. And because he has human flesh, all those that have human flesh and shall be under punishment, so long as the Messenger of God shall abide to behold hell, so long shall they abide without punishment. But he shall abide there [only] so long as it takes to shut and open the eyes. And this shall God do in order that every creature may know that he has received benefit from the Messenger of God.

When he shall go there all the devils shall shriek, and seek to hide themselves beneath the burning embers, saying one to another: "Fly, fly, for here comes Muhammad ;our enemy!"
Hearing which, Satan shall smite himself upon the face with both his hands, and screaming shall say: "You are more noble than I, in my despite, and this is unjustly done!"

As for the faithful, who are in seventy-two grades, those of the two last grades, who shall have had the faith without good works, the one being sad at good works, and the other delighting in evil, they shall abide in hell seventy thousand years.
After those years shall the angel Gabriel ;come into hell, and shall hear them say: "O Muhammad, where are your promises made to us, saying that those who have your faith shall not abide in hell for evermore?"

Then the angel of God shall return to paradise, and having approached with reverence the Messenger of God shall narrate to him what he has heard. Then shall his Messenger speak to God and say: "Lord, my God, remember the promise made to me your servant, concerning them that have received my faith, that they shall not abide for evermore in hell."
God shall answer: "Ask what you will, O my friend, for I will give you all that you ask."

Then shall the Messenger of God say: "O Lord, there are of the faithful who have been in hell seventy thousand years. Where, O Lord, is your mercy? I pray you, Lord, to free them from those bitter punishments."

Then shall God command the four favorite angels of God; that they go to hell and take out every one that has the faith of his Messenger, and lead him into paradise. And this they shall do. And such shall be the advantage of the faith of God's Messenger;, that those that shall have believed in him, even though they have not done any good works, seeing they died in this faith, shall go into paradise after the punishment of which I have spoken.'

The End.
Not Yet Justified.

The Gospel of Barnabas

Friday, February 17, 2012

OmaricJudgement: A Dispute Between a Muslim and a Jew.

There was a hypocrite named Bishor. He involved in a dispute with a land with some Jew. The Jew said to him, ‘Let us go to Muhammad for the settlement.’

But Bishor was not agreed with this proposal. He said, ‘No, but we have to go Kab ibn Ashraf.’

This Kab was one of the leaders of Jews and a difficult enemy of Muslims and Muhammad. Therefore, externally this subject was too surprising that the Jew likes the settlement of Muhammad instead his own leader, but Bishor, who himself known as Muslims interested for the settlement of the Jews Leader instead of Muhammad. Though the Jew and Bishor both knew that what Muhammad will settle will be right- no doubt of bias to someone. But as the Jew was based on justice, so he has much faith on Muhammad rather than his own leader. On the other hand, Bishor was on unjust, so he knew clearly that the settlement of Muhammad will go against him though he is a Muslim.

They went to Kab. And hearing all, his proposal goes in favour of the Jew. But Bishor rejects the settlement. And after a long quarrel they decided to resolve the issue through Muhammad.

They came to Muhammad. And Muhammad searches the details of the case. It was proved through the evidence that the Jew is right. So he refused Bishor and ordered on the behalf of Jew.

Bishor was unwilling to accept this settlement. So he proposed a new proposal to the Jew. He said, ‘Let us go to Omar ibn Khattab. Surely I will agree to the settlement what he proposes.’
It was Bishors assumption that as Omar was too difficult to the disbelievers, so he will not on the Jewish side of his business.

They two came to the door of Omar. He was in his home. After describing the whole event the Jew said at the end, ‘Rasulallah also judge this case, but this man not agreed with that. So we come to you.’
Omar said, ‘O Bishor is that true?’
Bishor admitted. Then Omar said to them, ‘Wait a bit, I am coming soon.’

Omar enter into his home very quickly and came out with a open sword in his hand. Seeing this, faces of the two became pale. Omar said, ‘The person, who is not willing to accept the judge of the messenger of Allah, his judgement will be this.’ With one hit of the sword, Omar makes Bishor into two pieces.

When this event disclosed to Medina, the Jews rebuked the Muslims. They said, ‘What type of Muslim you are, to whom you respect as the messenger of Allah and claim yourself as his follower, yet you do not accept  his settlement. On the other hand, look at us, when we ordered to kill each other to remove our sins, we obey that type of difficult order. And thus our 70 (seventy) men get killed. Now we see, if such an order imposed on you, surely you will turn away.’
Hearing this, a Muslim commented, ‘That state may for the case of hypocrites, not for the true Muslims. And by God, we did not encounter any serious examination.’

The relatives of Bishor filed a case against Omar in the court of Muhammad. Their saying were-‘Omar killed a Muslim without any documents accomplished by Shariah. And killing a Muslim is a serious crime.’
Besides this, to prove Bishor as a pure Muslim, they submit a lots explanation of his words and deeds.

Muhammad too dissatisfied with the settlement of Omar. He said, ‘I did not think that Omar ever dare to murder any devotee Muslim.’

Then Allah revel the real significance of the event and cleaned Omar from the charge of Murder. Qur’an says- But the hypocrites say, "We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obey"; then a party of them turns away after that. And those are not believers. And when they are called to (the words of) Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, at once a party of them turns aside (in refusal). But if the right is theirs, they come to him in prompt obedience. Is there disease in their hearts? Or have they doubted? Or do they fear that Allah will be unjust to them, or His Messenger? Rather, it is they who are the wrongdoers. The only statement of the (true) believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those are the successful.(24:47-51)

O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best (way) and best in result. Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray. And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion. So how (will it be) when disaster strikes them because of what their hands have put forth and then they come to you swearing by Allah, "We intended nothing but good conduct and accommodation."

Those are the ones of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish them and speak to them a far-reaching word. And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah. And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful. But no, by your Lord, they will not (truly) believe until they make you judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in (full, willing) submission. And if We had decreed upon them, "Kill yourselves" or "Leave your homes," they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position (for them in faith). And then We would have given them from Us a great reward. And We would have guided them to a straight path.(4:59-68)


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Abraha: Story of the Year of the Elephant.

At the beginning of 570 CE, Abraha al-Ashram, the Ethiopian governor of Yemen with his great army came nearer to Kaaba and set tent. There are some Elephants in Abrahas Battalion. And as Arabs never seen an Elephant before, the year 570 CE recalled by them as the Year of the Elephant later.

'Abraha's accounts of origin differs. He was an Ethiopian general then the viceroy of southern Arabia for the Kingdom of Aksum, and later declared himself an independent King of Himyar and ruled much of present-day Yemen and Hijaz.

Dhu Nuwas, the Jewish Himyarite ruler of Yemen, launched military operations against the Aksumite Christians and their local Arab Christian allies. The Aksumites in Zafar were killed, their fortresses in the Yemeni highlands destroyed, and Najran sacked.

Najran fell and many members of the Himyarite Christian community were put to death evoking great sympathy throughout the Christian regions of the Orient and prompting an Aksumite military intervention aided by a Byzantine fleet.

According to al-Tabari's history, Abraha was one of the commanders of one of the armies led by King Kaleb of Axum against Dhu Nuwas and is said to have been the commander of the second army sent by Kaléb after the first, led by 'Ariat, had been annihilated by Dhü Nuwäs through a ruse.

This second army of 100,000 men with hundreds of elephants to successfully crush all resistance of the Yemeni army and then, following the suicide of Dhu Nuwas, seized power and established himself at Sana‘a. He aroused the wrath of Kaléb, however, by withholding tribute who then sent his general 'Ariat to take over the governorship of Yemen. 'Abraha rid himself of the latter by a subterfuge in a duel resulting in 'Ariat being killed and 'Abraha suffering the injury which earned him the sobriquet of al-Asräm, "scar-face."

According to Procopius, 'Abraha seized the control of Yemen from Esimiphaeus (Sumuafa' Ashawa'), the Christian Himyarite viceroy appointed by Kaléb, with the support of dissident elements within the Aksum occupation force who were eager to settle in the Yemen, then a rich and fertile land. This event would have happened about 543  [postulated by Jacques Ryckmans].

An army sent by Kaléb to subdue 'Abraha joined his ranks and killed the ruler sent to replace him and a second army was defeated. After this Kaléb had to accord him de facto recognition before earning recognition under Kaleb's successor for a nominal tribute.

Abraha is seen as then becoming a prominent figure in Yemen's history, promoting the cause of Christianity in the face of the prevalent Judaism and the paganism of Central Arabia.

The royal title adopted by 'Abraha "King of Saba' and dhü-Raydän and Hadhramaut and Yamanat and of their Arabs on the plateau and the lowland." was of the Himyarites. Abraha was zealous observing the Glory of Ka'ba, so he built a great church at San'a'

Abraha with a military expedition against Mecca in an invasion of Hejaz in 570 and set tent near the holy city. Later a small contingent of Abraha move towards Mecca and captured domestic animals. Among those 200 camels were belongs to Abdul Muttalib. When Abdul Muttalib informed this news, he moved forward accompanied with Amr ibn Lu'aba to meet with Abraha and set free his camels.

Meanwhile, a representative of Abraha was sent to Quraish to inform them that Abraha have no intension to fight with them, he came only to demolish Ka'ba. But if the Quraish try to resist him, he will surely crush them all, and followed a frightening description of his well armed huge army.

This representative meets Abdul Muttalib on the way. So he came back with them and informed Abraha that a Quraish leader wants to meet with him. Abraha thought the Quraish leader comes to compromise with him.
When Abdul Muttalib represents to Abraha in his tent, he said, ‘O Abdul Muttalib, what’s the proposal you brings to me?’
He said, ‘I came to you with a request to release my camels those captured by your troops.’

Abraha was astonished hearing this request. He laughed loudly, and then said, "Abdul Muttalib, I was impressed to see you. But now, I have no respect for you. Here I have come to demolish your religious center which is the foundation of your prestige and respect in Arab and you say nothing of it; instead, you request me to return your few camels back!"
Abdul-Muttalib said boldly, "I am the owner of the camels, so, I came to save them and that House has an Owner too, He will decided whether it is necessary to protect the house or not."
Abraha stunned with this reply. However, he ordered to release the camels.

Abraha al-Ashram, envied the reverence in which the Ka'ba was held by the Arabs. Being a staunch Christian, he built a huge cathedral in Sana, tall and beautifully crafted and decorated on all sides. ie such a cathedral had never been built before. The Arabs called it Al-Qullays because of its great height, and because if one looked at it, his cap would be in danger of falling off as he tilted his head back. Then Abrahah Al-Ashram decided to force the Arabs to make their pilgrimage to this magnificent cathedral, just as they had performed pilgrimage to the Ka'ba in Mecca. He announced this in Yemen, but it was rejected by the Arab tribes of Adnan and Qahtan. Actually Arabians showed no interest to perform their pilgrimage to the cathedral. So Abraha was looking for a way to demolish Ka'ba.

Once, a Meccan trade group set their tent closer to that Cathedral. And at night, during the cooking, the cathedral set fired by the wind. The trade group leaves the place at that night in fear. Hearing this, the wrath of Abraha knew no bounds. And he founds a way to avenge it. In a short time he prepared himself and advanced towards Mecca with a large army to destroy Ka'ba.

The next day, Abraha moves with his troops towards Kaaba. He was on the cart on his Elephant. It’s a bright sunny morning. The Meccan leaved the city and seek refuge in the surrounding hills. And they hope and pray that their gods will save their houses and Ka'ba. And when they saw the big animal in the middle of a large Battalion, they were too surprised as they never saw an animal like that before.

No sooner had the army reached near the Ka'ba, the sky covered with dark cloud that appeared from the western side. Actually it was the flock of small birds, Ababil. And those birds overshadowed quickly the entire army of Abraha that looks like dark cloud. Each bird had three pebbles- two in its claws and one in its beak. Thus a rain of the pebbles poured down from the sky, and in a few minutes, the whole army was destroyed. Abraha himself was seriously wounded. He fled to Yemen and died in a short time.

Now we will see, what Qur'an says- Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the Elephant? Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray? And He sent against them birds in flocks, striking them with stones of baked clay and He made them like eaten straw.(105: 1-5)

Not Yet Corrected.

Stuart Munro-Hay, "Abraha" in Siegbert Uhlig, ed., Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: A-C (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003)
S. C. Munro-Hay, Aksum: An African Civilization of Late Antiquity (Edinburgh: University Press, 1991), p. 87
The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity; edited by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson; p. 287
Muhammad and the Origins of Islam; by Francis E. Peters; p. 88
"Abraha." Dictionary of African Christian Biographies. 2007. (last accessed 11 April 2007)
Walter W. Müller, "Outline of the History of Ancient Southern Arabia," in Werner Daum (ed.), Yemen: 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix. 1987.
Scott Fitzgerald Johnson The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity p.285
Qur'an, al-Fil

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jizya: A Decree to the Najranian Christian and the Jizya.

Muhammad sent a decree to Najranian Christian. It notifies on the following three subjects-
  • Accept Islam, Or
  • Pay Jizya Tax, Or
  • Be Prepare for a war.
Najran was the centre place of Arabian Christian. It was a vast area near Yemen. Previously Muhammad sent Mugira bin shoba to this area to spread Islam. People asked him hearing the following verses of Qur’an, related to Jesus and Mary - 

Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you have certainly done a thing unprecedented. O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother unchaste."(19-27-28) 

‘O, Mugira, Why in this Qur’an, you have been told Mary as sister of Aaron?’ And Mugira came back to Medina failing to answer that Question.

When Mugira inform this to Muhammad, the gist what he said were- ‘At that period, it is consider to be gracious if someone named after the name of a prophet or pious one. Thus Anna named her daughter as Maryam (in short Mary) after the name of Moses’ and Aaron’s famous sister Maryam.

And when Mary came home with a baby when she was unmarried, People in a phase, called her ‘sister of Aaron’ instead of calling Mary or Maryam to compare her with two Maryams, one is pious, respectable and other is sinner, hatred and thus to show her, feel her the difference and to be shamed. ie What a dishonor of a holy name!’

However, getting the decree from Muhammad, the Christian leaders of Najran discuss the matter among them and sent a three member delegates to Medina. The members of this group were Sherahbil, Abdullah ibn Sherahbil and Jibar ibn Fayez. They began to discuss the matter of religion with Muhammad. They said, “O Muhammad! Do you want that, we pray to you and worship you as we do it to Jesus?”
He said, “How it is possible that we worship others leaving Allah or call others to do such?”

At this time the following Verse of Qur’an sent down- It is not for a human (prophet) that Allah should give him the Scripture and authority and prophethood and then he would say to the people, "Be servants to me rather than Allah," but (instead, he would say), "Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied."(3:79)

After being sent down the verse, at a stage, the representatives put disputs to prove Jesus as God. Then the following verses of Qur’an sent down- Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was. The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters. Then whoever argues with you about it after (this) knowledge has come to you - say, 

"Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly (together) and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars (among us)."

Indeed, this is the true narration. And there is no deity except Allah. And indeed, Allah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.(3:59-62)

After this verse has been revealed, Muhammad called the delegation for ‘Mubahala’ and next day he came prepared for Mubahala with Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hossain. Seeing the self-confidence of Muhammad, Sherahbil became afraid and said to his accompanied, “If he really a Messenger of God then we will be surely perish, if we make a Mubahala with him. Therefore, we have to find another way out.”
They said, “Then how do we release?”
He said, “It is good to compromise on condition.”
Then they agreed to pay the Jizya Tax fixed by Muhammad.

Jizya-It’s a poll tax demanded from the non Muslim subjects for residing independent and secure in an Islamic Republic. And this tax fixed for Najranian was- Annual two thousand pairs of clothes. One lungi and a sheet of clothe is a pair and the price of each pair fixed as one ukiya (one ukiya equal to 40 dirhams, or 11.5 gms of silver).

Jizya applied especially to followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism, who were tolerated in the practice of their religion because they were “peoples of the Scripture”. Polytheists of Arabia were not included, never a Jizya have taken from them.

The Jizya originally intended to be used for charitable purposes. The revenues were paid into the private treasuries of rulers. The Ottoman Sultans used the proceeds to pay military expenses.

Qur’an not fixed any rates for Jizya. It depends on the kind consideration of the ruler. In this regard, the direction of Muhammad was- ‘The man who will torture a non Muslim imposing a burden beyond his capacity, on the Day of Judgement I will take the side of the non Muslim. And surely he will be loser against whom I will stand.’

According to this instruction, Calipha Omar fixed Jizya during his period as- for rich 4 (four) dirham/month, for middle class 2 (two) dirham/month and for lower class 1(one) dirham/month (1 dirham equal to 3.5 masha of silver). The jizya was levied on men who had reached their majority; women, children, slaves, poor people, and monks were exempted.

The End.
Not Yet Verified

# Who is that one may able to explain, why the Qur'an says 'o sister of Aaron' instead of 'o sister of Moses' in verses 19-27-28?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thamud: Salih and the Story of the She-Camel

The Thamud were living very early even before Abraham. They are referred to as "Tamudaei" in the writings of Aristo of Chios, Ptolemy, and Pliny. The Qur'an mentions them in Surah al-A'raf in the context of several prophets who warned their people of coming judgement.

Historian and scholar, Ibn Khaldun also mentions the Thamud several times in his universal history al-Kitabu l-ʻibar ("Book of Evidence") written in the late 14th century, but only in passing, seldom giving much information.

This can be illustrated by what happened among the nations. When the royal authority of 'Ad was wiped out, their brethren, the Thamud, took over. They were succeeded, in turn, by their brethren, the Amalekites. The Amalekites were succeeded by their brethren, the Himyar. The Himyar were succeeded by their brethren, the Tubba's, who belonged to the Himyar. They, likewise, were succeeded, by the Adhwa'.130 Then, the Mudar came to power.—[Muqaddimah ("Introduction"), Chapter II]

The Yemen, al-Bahrayn, Oman, and the Jazirah have long been in Arab possession, but for thousands of years, the rule of these areas has belonged to different (Arab) nations in succession. They also founded cities and towns (there) and promoted the development of sedentary culture and luxury to the highest degree. Among such nations were the 'Ad and the Thamud, the Amalekites and the Himyar after them, the Tubbas, and the other South Arabian rulers (Adhwa). There was a long period of royal authority and sedentary culture. The coloring of (sedentary culture) established itself firmly. The crafts became abundant and firmly rooted. They were not wiped out simultaneously with (each ruling) dynasty, as we have stated. They have remained and have always renewed themselves down to this time, and they have become the specialty of that area. Such (special Yemenite) crafts are embroidered fabrics, striped cloth, and finely woven garments and silks.—[Muqaddimah Chapter V]

A script graphically similar to the Semitic alphabet (called Thamudic) has been found in southern Arabia and up throughout the Hejaz.The script was first identified in a region in north central Yemen that is known as Thamud, which is bound to the north by the Rub' al Khali, to the south by the Hadhramaut and to the west by Shabwah. The script was named after the place where it was first discovered, not for the people. Inscriptions in Thamudic come mostly from northern Saudi Arabia, but can be found throughout the Arabian peninsula.

Very little information is known about the identity or the nationality of Thamud, but they are referred to as Arabs ("Arabes") in the records of the Greek Historian Diodorus Siculus. The title and description given by Photius to Thamud indicates that they had a status similar to Qedarites who have been identified as Arabs.

After the disappearance of the original people of Thamud, Robert Hoyland suggested that their name was subsequently adopted by other new groups that inhabited the region of Mada'in Saleh.

This suggestion is supported by Abdullah ibn Umar and Ibn Kathir who report that people called the region of Thamud Al-Hijr, while they called the province of Mada'in Saleh Ardh Thamud "the land of Thamud" and Bayt Thamud "the house of Thamud".

According to Classical Arabic sources, it's agreed upon that the only remaining group of the native people of Thamud are the tribe of Banu Thaqif which inhabited the city of Taif south of Mecca.

As it was told in the Quran how the original people of Thamud were vanished, it's suggested that the story mentioned in Qur'an can be explained like "they may have been destroyed by one of the many volcanic outbreaks that have formed the far-reaching Arabian lava fields"

At times, the nation Thamud replaced to A'ad. Like bani A’ad, bani Thamud also originated from Kushait or Hamitic. Actually Hamitic divided into two branches- A’ad and Thamud. For this, sometimes Thamud called as 2nd A’ad. Thus in the Qur'an,ʿA'ad and Thamud are mentioned together as a matter of context and the verses indicates that God advised Thamud to take warning from the destruction of ʿA'ad.

At first Thamud settled at the border of Edom, then in the province Hijor, that situated to the east of Arab Petra and in between Hijaj and Syria. After the destruction of A'ad, they choose that region as their abode, for they feared to be destroyed as that of A'ad, and hoped to secure themselves against the wrath of Allah by building their houses in the rocks making caves. Actually they build their houses cutting the sides of the mountains. As a trade middler between Syria and Najod or Hijaj, once they became prosperous, wealthiest.

The Thamud were seventy thousand and their king was Djundu Eben Omer. The king built a palace for him, whose splendor had never been equaled on earth, and the high-priest Kanuch erected a similar one for himself. But their most costly and most perfect building was the temple. In it there stood an idol of the finest gold, and adorned with precious stones: it had a human face, a lion's figure, a bull's neck, and a horse's feet.

One day, when Kanuch, after his prayers, had fallen asleep in the temple, he heard a voice which said, "Truth shall appear, and delusion shall vanish." He sprang to his feet in terror, and rushed toward the idol, but lo! it was lying on the ground, and beside it lay the crown which had fallen from its head.

Kanuch cried for help; the king and his viziers hastened to the spot, restored the idol to its place, and replaced the crown on its head. But the occurrence made a deep impression on the high-priest's mind. His faith in the idol failed, and his zeal to serve it cooled.

The king soon discovered the change that had passed within him, and one day sent both his viziers to apprehend and to examine him. But scarcely had his messengers left the royal palace when they were struck blind, and were unable to find Kanuch's dwelling. Meanwhile, God sent two angels, who carried the high-priest to a distant valley unknown to his tribe, where a shady grotto, supplied with every convenience of life, was prepared for him. Here he lived peaceably in the service of the one God, and secure against the persecutions of Djundu, who in vain sent out messengers in every direction to discover him.

The king gave up, at length, all hope of his capture, and appointed his own cousin, Davud, as high-priest in Kanuch's stead. But on the third day after his inauguration, Davud came to the king in haste, and reported that the idol had again fallen from its place. The king once more restored it, and Iblis cried from the idol, "Be steadfast in my worship, and resist all the temptations into which some innovators would lead you,"

On the following feast-day, when Davud was about to offer two fat bulls to the idol, they said to him, with a human voice, "Why will you offer us, whom God has endued with life, as a sacrifice to a dead mass of gold, which your own hands have dug from the earth, though God has created it? Destroy, O God, so sinful a people!" At these words the bulls fled, nor were the swiftest riders of the king able to overtake them. Yet it pleased God, in his wisdom and long suffering, to spare the Thamudites still longer, and to send to them a prophet who should labor by many wonders to convince them of the truth.

Ragwha, the wife of Kanuch, had not ceased to mourn since the flight of her husband; yet in the third year, God sent to her a bird, to conduct her to his grotto.This bird was a raven, but its head was as white snow, its back was of emerald, its feet were of crimson, its beak was like the clearest sunbeam, and its eyes shone like diamonds, only its breast was black, for the curse of Noah, which made all ravens entirely black, had not fallen on this sacred bird.

It was the hour of midnight when the bird stepped into Ragwha's dark chamber, where she lay weeping on a carpet, but the glance of its eyes lit up the chamber as if the sun had suddenly risen therein. She rose from her couch, and gazed with wonder on the beautiful bird, which opened its mouth and said, "Rise and follow me, for God has pitied thy tears, and will unite thee to thy husband."

She rose and followed the raven, which flew before her, changing the night into day by the light of its eyes, and the morning star had not yet risen when she arrived at the grotto. The raven now cried, "Kanuch, arise, and admit thy wife," and then vanished.

Within a year after their reunion she gave birth to a son, who was the very image of Seth, and the light of prophecy shone on his brow. His father called him Salih (the pious), for he trusted to bring him up in the faith of the one only God, and in piety of life; but soon after Salih's birth Kanuch died, and the raven came again to grotto to take back Ragwha and her son to the city of Djundu, where Salih grew up, to the admiration of his mother, and of all who came to visit them; and at the age of eighteen he was the most powerful and handsome, as well as the most gifted youth of his time.

It then came to pass that the descendants of Ham undertook an expedition against the Thamudites, and were to all appearance on the point of destroying them.Their best warriors had already fallen, and the rest were preparing for flight, when Salih suddenly appeared on the battle-field at the head of a few of his friends, and by his personal valor and excellent manœuvres wrested the victory from the enemy, and routed them completely. This achievement secured to him the love and gratitude of the more virtuous part of his tribe, but the king envied him from this day, and sought after his life. Yet as often as the assassins came to Salih's dwelling to slay him by the king's command, their hands were paralyzed. This made some people that he is a man from God. And at times God awarded him prophethood and some people began to follow him.

And Salih began to address his people as Qur’an says- And to Thamud (We sent) their brother Saleh. He said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it, so ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive."

They said, "O Saleh, you were among us a man of promise before this. Do you forbid us to worship what our fathers worshipped? And indeed we are, about that to which you invite us, in disquieting doubt."

He said, "O my people, have you considered: if I should be upon clear evidence from my Lord and He has given me mercy from Himself, who would protect me from Allah if I disobeyed Him? So you would not increase me except in loss. 
"O my people, why are you impatient for evil instead of good? Why do you not seek forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy?" 
They said, "We consider you a bad omen, you and those with you." 
He said, "Your omen is with Allah. Rather, you are a people being tested."-(27:46-47) “And remember when He made you successors after the 'A'ad and settled you in the land, (and) you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains, homes. Then remember the favors of Allah and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption."-(7:74)

[This verse suggests a kind of relationship between A'ad and Thamud, and A'ad may even have been a part of Thamud's history and culture. Just as Noah's people were seen as the ancestors of A'ad, it seems A'ad were seen in a similar relation to Thamud.

The A'ad were a people living in southern Arabia. Some remains of Thamud were found in the region where A'ad had lived, especially around the region where capital city of the Hadramites, the descendants of A'ad, stood]. 
Foot Print of the She-Camel.
They said to each other-"How can we follow a person, who is one of us? And if we do that, then certainly we will be among the mad and misguided. Among us only he got the prophet hood?" So those eminent ones who were arrogant among his people said to those who were oppressed and who believed among them, "Do you (actually) know that Salih is sent from his Lord?"-(7:75)

On hearing this, they told silently- ‘Now you are engaged yourselves with a discussion that, he is prophet or not! Actually, it is not the subject of discussion, but the flashing truth and surety. If there anything to be questioned that is only who are believers and who not? So, they said, "Indeed we, in that with which he was sent, are believers."

Those who were arrogant said, "Indeed we, in that which you have believed, are disbelievers."
-(7:76) God informed salih, ‘In future, they know actually who is the liar and arrogant.’-

The people rejected Salih. So he build a mosque and started to pray there with his followers. One day the king surrounded the mosque with his soldiers, and threatened Salih and his adherents with death unless God should save them by a special miracle.

Salih prayed, and the leaves of the date-tree that grew before the mosque were instantly changed to scorpions and adders, which fell upon the king and his men, while two doves which dwelt on the roof of the mosque exclaimed, "Believe in Salih, for he is the prophet and messenger of God." To this twofold wonder a second and third one were added, for at Salih's prayer the tree resumed its former shape, and some of the Thamudites who had been killed by the serpents returned to life again.

But the king continued in unbelief, for Iblis spoke from the mouth of the idol, calling Salih a magician and a demon. The tribe was then visited by famine, but this also failed to convert them. When Salih beheld the stubbornness of the Thamudites, he prayed to God to destroy so sinful a people.But he too, like his father, was carried by an angel to a subterraneous cave in sleep, and slept there twenty years.

On waking, he was about to go into the mosque to perform his morning devotions, for he imagined that he had slept only one night; but the mosque lay in ruins; he then went to see his friends and followers, but some of them were dead; others, in the idea that he had abandoned them or been secretly slain, had gone to other countries, or returned to idolatry. Salih knew not what to do.

Then appeared to him the angel Gabriel, and said, "Because thou hast hastily condemned thy people, Allah has taken from thee twenty years of thy life; and thou hast passed them sleeping in the cave. But rise and preach again. Allah sends thee here Adam's shirt, Abel's sandals, the tunic of Sheth, the seal of Idris, the sword of Noah, and the staff of Hud, with all of which thou shalt perform many wonders to confirm thy words."

On the following day, the king, and priests, and heads of the people, attended by many citizens, went in procession to a neighboring chapel, in which an idol, similar to that of the temple, was worshiped. Salih stepped between the king and the door of the chapel; and when the king asked him who he was, for Salih's appearance had so changed during the twenty years which he had spent in the cavern that the king did not recognize him, he answered, "I am Salih, the messenger of the one only God, who, twenty years ago, preached to thee, and showed thee many clear proofs of the truth of my mission. But since thou, as I perceive, still persistest in idolatry, I once more appear before thee in the name of the Lord, and by his permission offer to perform before thine eyes any miracle thou mayest desire in testimony of my prophetic calling."

The king took counsel with Shihab his brother, and Davud his high-priest, who stood near him. Then said the latter, "This Salih will not let us live in peace till the last moment of his death. So let us go and demand to him such a thing that he could not able to fulfill. Thus we will get relief from his torture.

Therefore, a group of people came to Salih and said, ‘O, Salih, if you really be a prophet of God, then bring for us a pregnant She-Camel from the stone above the Kateba Mountain. And that She-Camel will issue a baby after she came to us.’

Salih said, ‘If such a sign will give to you and you will not bring your faith on me, then you will be taken by an impending punishment.’ 
They said, ‘In that case, certainly we will believe you and bring our faith on God.’ 
Salih said, "If that is all you want, I will pray to God." 
They said, "but the camel should be one hundred cubits high, with all imaginable colors united on its back, with eyes flaming like lightning, with a voice like thunder, and with feet swifter than the wind."

Salih it too, but then Davud added, "Its fore legs must be of gold, and its hind legs of silver, its head of emerald, and its ears of rubies, and its back must bear a silken tent, supported on four diamond pillars inlaid with gold." Salih was not deterred by all these additional requirements; and the king added, "Hear, O Salih! if thou be the prophet of God, let this mountain be cleft open, and a camel step forth with skin, hair, flesh, blood, bones, muscles, and veins, like other camels, only much larger, and let it immediately give birth to a young camel, which shall follow it every where as a child follows its mother, and when scarcely produced, exclaim, 'There is but one God, and Salih is his messenger and a prophet.'"

"And will you turn to Allah if I pray to him, and if he perform such a miracle before your eyes?"
"Assuredly!" replied Davud. "Yet must this camel yield its milk spontaneously, and the milk must be cold in summer and warm in winter." 
"Are these all your conditions?" asked Salih. 
"Still farther," continued Shihab; "The milk must heal all diseases, and enrich all the poor; and the camel must go alone to every house, calling the inmates by name, and filling all their empty vessels with its milk."
Mausoleum of Salih
"Thy will be done!" replied Salih. "Yet I must also stipulate that no one shall harm the camel, or drive it from its pasture, or ride on it, or use it for any labor."

On their swearing to him to treat the camel as a holy thing, Salih prayed to God for such one. He prayed "O God! who hast created Adam out of the earth, and formed Eve from a rib, and to whom the hardest things are easy, let these rocks bring forth a camel such as their king has described, for the conversion of the Thamudites."

Scarcely had Salih concluded his prayer. And God told him, ‘We send a She-Camel to test them. So Saleh keeps watch their behavior and be patient.’

The earth opened at his feet, and there gushed forth a fountain of fresh water fragrant with musk: the tent which had been erected for Adam in Paradise descended from heaven, and thereupon the rocky wall which supported the eastern side of the temple groaned like a woman in travail; a flight of birds descended, and filling their beaks with the water of the fountain, sprinkled it over the rock, and lo! there was seen the head of the camel, which was gradually followed by the rest of its body; when it stood upon the earth, it was exactly as it had been described by the king, and it cried out immediately, "There is no God but God; Salih is his messenger and a prophet."

The angel Gabriel then came down and touched the camel with his flaming sword, and it gave birth to a young camel which resembled it entirely, and repeated the confession that had been required. The camel then went to the dwellings of the people, calling them by name, and, filling every empty vessel with its milk. On its way all animals bowed before it, and all the trees bent their branches to it in reverence.

The king could no longer shut his heart to such proofs of God's Almightiness and Salih's mission: he fell on the prophet's neck, kissed him, and said, "I confess there is but one God, and that thou art his messenger!"

Seeing this, some people also believed in Salih. But the eminent ones were still arrogant and its true no one can make the unbelievers to believers except Allah's will. The brother of the king, as well as Davud, and all the priesthood, called it only sorcery and delusion, and invented all kinds of calumnies and falsehoods to retain the people in unbelief and idolatry.

So Salih only aware them saying- And o my people, this is the she-camel of Allah –(she is) to you a sign. So let her feed upon Allah's earth and do not touch her with harm, or you will be taken by an impending punishment."(11:64)

When the She-camel goes to a field, all the animals flew away from there seeing her. And she finishes grasses from 2/4 fields and drinks water from 2/4 wells a day. So it takes place a crisis of grasses and water for other animals to eat and drink. All the domestic animals become skinny within a few months.

A group of people came to Salih and filed a case. They demand an early solution for this problem. So Salih pray to God for a solution. God told him, ‘let them know that the shift of distribution are finalized and each of them will present shiftily to drink water.’ So Salih told them, God says that your animal’s drinks water one day and the She-Camel will drinks the next day. And the angels will take care of this distribution.’

But many of them were not satisfied with this distribution. Because they still have to face the problem on the day allotted for the she-camel. So they whole heartedly wish to die she-camel. But they never attempted to kill her because of the fear of the curse of God on them.

Meanwhile, since the camel, by constantly yielding its milk and praising God as often as it went down to the water, made daily new converts and then the chiefs of the infidels resolved to kill it.

The biggest cheating through which, Satan able to destroy ones intelligence, knowledge and awareness, is the women’s decoy. Two young beautiful ladies of the tribe bet on them and declared- ‘The man, who able kill the She-Camel will get the chance to choose his bride among any of us.’ These ladies were the daughter of kings brothers Shihab.

A man from the tribe (some Kudar ibn Salek), had long loved this maiden, distinguished as she was for grace and beauty, but without daring to woo her, Now he armed himself with a huge sword, and, attended by Davud and some other priests waited for a suitable opportunity to kill the She-Camel. When they were hiding behind a big stone, the She-Camel comes to the well to drink water as per her shift. Suddenly, they came out from their position and hamstrung the She-Camel.-(11:65) from behind while it was descending to the waters., And when she fell down, they killed her.

At that moment all nature uttered a frightful shriek of woe. The little camel ran moaning to the highest pinnacle of the mountain, and shouts three times, "May the curse of God light upon thee, thou sinful people!"

On hearing this news, Saleh was shocked. And God informed him the plan of destroying his nation. And never would God have destroyed the cities until He had sent to their mother a messenger reciting to them His verses. And God would not destroy the cities except while their people were wrongdoers.-(28:59)

So Salih and the king, who had not quitted him since his conversion, went into the city, demanding the punishment of Kudar and his accomplices. But Shihab, who had in the mean time usurped the throne, threatened them with instant death.

Salih, told them that God would wait their repentance only three days longer, and on the expiration of the third day would annihilate them like their brethren the A'adites. So, he said- "Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. That is a promise not to be denied." -(11:65)
They said with ignorance, ‘O, Salih, what would be the sign of punishment? And how do we know it’s a punishment?’ 
Salih said, ‘Tomorrow your face turns into yellowish, next day reddish and in the last day it will be black’

Hearing this, a group of nine people made a plan against Salih. They told each other, ‘if he is truthful and God cursed on us, then why should we not kill him before our death? On the other hand, if he is a liar, then it will be the right punishment for him for the false promise.’

They made a Plan. Qur’an says- And there were in the city nine family heads causing corruption in the land and not amending (its affairs). They said, "Take a mutual oath by Allah that we will kill him by night, he and his family. Then we will say to his executor, 'We did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful.' "
And they planned a plan, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not.-

God inform Salih before about their plan and ordered him to move to a safer place with his follower. And they moved towards the mountain shore. And he turned away from them and said, "O my people, I had certainly conveyed to you the message of my Lord and advised you, but you do not like advisors."-

Already on the next day the people grew as yellow as the seared leaves of autumn; according to the promise of Salih. But they were not attentive to repent on finding the 1st sign becomes true. Actually, they were angry. So the whole nation becomes mad to find him to kill. Wherever the wounded camel trod, there issued fountains of blood from the earth.

On the second day their faces became red as blood; but on the third, they turned black as coal, This time they were hopeless and were waiting for the Cursed of God helplessly. They have no idea about power of punishment and how it comes upon them. Is it comes from the earth or from the sky?

On the same day, toward nightfall, they saw the camel hovering in the air on crimson wings, whereupon some of the angels hurled down whole mountains of fire. In the early morning of the 4th day, it begins to flow air with a high velocity. Then a earth quake with a shriek. mountains opened the subterraneous vaults of fire, so that the earth vomited forth fire-brands in the shape of camels. At sunset, all the Thamudites were a heap of ashes. Qur’an says- Then look how was the outcome of their plan - that We destroyed them and their people, all.-(27:51)

And certainly did the companions of Thamud deny the messengers. And We gave them Our signs, but from them they were turning away.-(15:80-81)

So the earthquake seized them, and they became within their home (corpses) fallen prone.-(7:78)And they used to carve from the mountains, houses, feeling secure. But the shriek seized them at early morning. So nothing availed them (from) what they used to earn.-(15:82-84)

Salih and King Djundu wandered in company to Palestine, where they ended their days as hermits.

The End
Not Yet Verified.

Picture: Wikipedia,

Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadiths: 2116 ; 3379.
Syed Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam,
Hoyland, Robert G. (2001). Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam. Routledge. p. 69.
M. Th. Houtsma et al., eds., E.J. Brill's first encyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936
Phillip Hitti, A History of the Arabs, London: Macmillan, 1970, p. 37.
Muqaddimah Ch. 2.21;5.20
Brian Doe, Southern Arabia, Thames and Hudson, 1971, pp. 21-22.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History - Thamudic inscriptions exhibit.
Bibliotheca Historica, Volume II, Book III, Page 219
Retsö, Jan (2003). The Arabs in Antiquity: Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads.
ibn Kathir, Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya ("The Beginning and the End"). p. 159 (Volume-1).
Encyclopedia Britannica, Under the Category of: History of Arabia, the Section of: Dedān and Al-Ḥijr, Thamūd.
Prof. Jawwad Ali, The Detailed History of Arabs before Islam, Volume: 15, Page: 301
The Historical Record of Ibn Khaldon, Volume: 2, Page: 641
Abu Al-Faraj Al-Asfahani, Kitab Al-Aghani, Volume: 4, Page: 74.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Bilqis: The Story of the Queen of Sheba.

Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal
01 Feb. 2012
Sheba was the South Arabian kingdom of Saba, centered around the oasis of Marib, in present-day Yemen. It was quite known in the classical world, and its country was called Arabia Felix. Around the middle of the first millennium BCE, there were Sabaeans also in the Horn of Africa, in the area that later became the realm of Aksum.

Some Jewish account says that the Queen of Sheba informed of the knowledge and wisdom of King Solomon. So she came "to prove him with hard questions". And she asked Solomon three (Targ. Sheni to Esther 1:3) or, according to the Midrash (Prov. ii. 6; Yalḳ. ii., 1085, Midrash ha-Hefez), more riddles to test his wisdom.

When Solomon answered her satisfactory then they exchanged gifts. It is said, that the queen came to Jerusalem "with a very great retinue, with camels bearing spices, and very much gold, and precious stones" (I Kings 10:2). "Never again came such an abundance of spices" (10:10; II Chron. 9:1–9) and those she brought as a gift for Solomon. Later she returned to her land.

Many points of the Quranic tradition still we find in the Jewish account despite the course of time. And the above information contains a little truth. She was threatened to submission herself to the king and she came to quench her curiosity. She collected information about Solomon through a Yemeni merchant Tamrin, who told her about the wisdom and generosity of King Solomon.
According to the Qur'an, Solomon commanded the Queen to come to him as a subject, whereupon she appeared before him. al-Tabari, al-Zamakhshari, al-Baydawi added some information such as her name was Bilqis. According to some, Solomon then married the Queen, while other traditions assert that he gave her in marriage to a Tubba of Hamdan. According to al-Hamdani, the queen of Sheba was the daughter of Ilsharah Yahdib, the Himyarite king of Najran.

Qur'an says that a hoopoe [Hudhud] informed Solomon that the kingdom of Sheba was the only kingdom on earth not subject to him and that its queen was a sun worshiper. He thereupon sent her in the land of Sheba with a letter attached to its wing commanding its queen to come to him as a subject. Then Solomon send her a letter, commanding her to appear before him as a subject. Bilqis was then sent him valuable gifts and waiting for the answer. But Solomon sent back her gifts and threatened her. So she consulted with her advisors, who, however, said, that they will do whatever they commanded but, they said, "Decision is yours." She thereupon sent him precious gifts and a letter with a information that she would come to visit him sooner.

And before she arrived, Solomon moved her throne to his place with the help of a jinn. And when she arrived, she asked to take her sit. And she recognized the throne, it was hers but disguised with a slight change. And later when she invited to the palace, she lifted the hem of her dress, uncovering her legs, thinking that the glass floor was a pool of water. And Solomon informed of her mistakes. Finally, she accepted Islam, the faith of Solomon. The story according to Qur'an as follows-

Among the many gifts that God bestowed upon Solomon were the understanding of the speech of birds and knowledge of every kind. He was the lord of men, genii, and birds. When he traveled through the air on his magical carpet of green silk, which was borne aloft by the wind according to the King's direction, the men stood on the right of it, and the Jinns-the spirited creature on the left, and the army of birds of kept flying over the carpet to protect its occupants from the heat of the sun. 

One day Men, Jinn’s, and birds- all were gathered in a place for accompanied Solomon in one of his Journey. Qur’an Says- 

And gathered for Solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were (marching) in rows. Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, (Solomon heard) an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not." (27:17-18)

Queen of Sheba
Solomon surprised to hear this. An ant- a very small species, yet they aware of him! He stopped and noticed all the ants were in rush to enter their dwellings. Then he met the Queen of Ant. Qur’an Says- 

So (he) smiled, amused at her speech, and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into (the ranks of) Your righteous servants."(27:19)

Solomon expressed his gratitude looking towards sky. The birds were making shade over his head. Suddenly he noticed that a bird is absent in this journey. The bird that absent was a hoopoe, -a small bird. However, Solomon was angered not to see him. Qur’an Says- 

And he took attendance of the birds and said, "Why do I not see the Hoopoe - or is he among the absent? I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or slaughter him unless he brings me clear authorization."

But the hoopoe stayed not long and said, "I have encompassed (in knowledge) that which you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from Sheba with certain news. Indeed, I found (there) a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne. I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah, and Satan has made their deeds pleasing to them and averted them from (His) way, so they are not guided, (And) so they do not prostrate to Allah, who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare -Allah - there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Great Throne."

(Solomon) said, "We will see whether you were truthful or were of the liars. Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them. Then leave them and see what (answer) they will return."(27:20-28) The hoopoe flew to Sheba with the letter of Solomon.

People could not understand why they were stayed in the valley. Then he addressed them as Qur'an says- He said, "O people, we have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from all things. Indeed, this is evident bounty."-(27:16) And then Solomon moved on his way.

The hoopoe with the letter of Solomon, reached the Queens Palace at Sheba. Then through a window he entered into the bedroom of the queen. She was sleeping at that time. The hoopoe placed the letter on her chest silently and then sat on a ventilator of a window and waiting there to know that he certainly acknowledged the letter of its receiver.

Then when queen Bilqis awakened from her sleep, and saw a sealed letter fallen on her chest, she was surprised, a letter on her bed, when no one entitled to enter into the room without her permission! She took the letter and sited from her lying. And then she looked around the room cautiously. And her eyes fixed on the hoopoe that was sitted on a ventilator. The bird stared at her without blinking the eyes. And that time the bird made a sound of its own and flew away through the window.

The Queen now unfold the letter and made her attentive. It was a letter from King Solomon. She acknowledged his name earlier for his wisdom. But a letter from him through a little wild bird! She was thrilled and feared too. So she called her advisors on an emergency conference to discuss on the matter and advicing her there on.

On the conference, she addressed her advisors as Qur'an says- She said, "O eminent ones, indeed, to me has been delivered a noble letter. Indeed, it is from Solomon, and indeed, it reads: 'In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, Be not haughty with me but come to me in submission (as Muslims). "(27:29-31) Bilqis goes on-

Then she said, "O eminent ones, advise me in my affair. I would not decide a matter until you witness (for) me."
They said, "We are men of strength and of great military might, but the command is yours, so see what you will command."
She said, "Indeed kings - when they enter a city, they ruin it and render the honored of its people humbled. And thus do they do. But indeed, I will send to them a gift and see with what (reply) the messengers will return." (27:33-35) The advisory panel supported the plan.

The messengers of the Queen Bilqis was proud with their precious gift. But when they reached to the entry gate of the palace, they found that the path descended from the palace to the gate is entirely well decorated with the square block of gold and silver. And different type’s animals were spending their idle time standing serially on both sides of that path. Some of which has left excreta on that decorated path. Seeing all of this, they were surprised and ashamed for the gifts they brought with them considering the valuation.

The messengers entered into the Assemble room of the King. And the king accepted them with a smile. Then they submitted their gifts to the king. Among the gifts, there were some lump of Gold piece and some Diamond; and a hundred male and a hundred maid servants which they brought altering their dresses ie. male as maid and vice versa. And Solomon was dissatisfied with their gifts. He spoke slantingly of the Queen's gifts and sent the embassy back, bidding them tell their mistress that he would send invincible troops against her city, and that they would capture it and expel its inhabitants in disgrace.  Qur’an says- 

So when they came to Solomon, he said, "Do you provide me with wealth? But what Allah has given me is better than what He has given you. Rather, it is you who rejoice in your gift. Return to them, for we will surely come to them with soldiers that they will be powerless to encounter, and we will surely expel them therefrom in humiliation, and they will be debased." (27:36-37) The messengers left Jerusalem for Sheba with Solomon’s answer.

Solomon, the king of Israel sent back the gifts. Due to this, Queen Bilqis called an emergency conference. Then she informed the advisors what the messengers told her. Later she inform them of her plan to visit Solomon. She was actually excited of the wonderful things his messengers had seen in Jerusalem, and of Solomon's wisdom and generosity and she made up her mind.

Queen Bilqis prepared herself and soon made her journey to Jerusalem. With her, she took some precious stone and a plenty of spices and essence as a gift for Solomon.

When Solomon came to know that the convoy of the Queen reaches to the territory of Jerusalem, he reminds of her great throne. So addressing his assembly he said, "O assembly (of jinn), which of you will bring me her Throne before they come to me in submission?"
A powerful one from among the Jinn said, "I will bring it to you before you rise from your place, and indeed, I am for this (task) strong and trustworthy."
Said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, "I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you." (27:38-40) And it was brought to him.

And when (Solomon) saw it placed before him, he said, "This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for (the benefit of) himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is free of need and Generous." (27:40)

Solomon observed the throne attentively for sometime, then he said, "Disguise for her her throne; we will see whether she will be guided (to truth) or will be of those who is not guided." (27:41)

Queen Bilqis entered into the assemble hall. She was warmly welcomed. Then she was asked to take her seat. This time she noticed that her own throne was placed there for her sit. She was surprised. How is it presented here before her arrival? She was dam sure that it was done by an unnatural power. Because it doesn’t fulfills general laws and the wisdom totally defeated here. A man with the divine power can only make it possible. When she was thoughtful, it was said (to her), "Is your throne like this?" (27:42)

This time she marked the change of her throne. She was really curious to know all. However with that question, she understands that Solomon is examining her intuition and knowledge. So, she smiles to him and answered wisely. She said, "(It is) as though it was it." (27:42)

With this answer she cleverly means both "yes" and "no". As it was her throne, yet it made to her appeared with a little changed. And she finished herself as "And we were given knowledge before, and we have been Muslims (in submission to Allah).” (27:42)

Qur’an says-And that which she was worshiping other than Allah had averted her (from submission to Him). Indeed, she was from a disbelieving people. (27:43)

Later the Queen was invited to the palace of king Solomon. It was made in such a way that from the outside, it seems that the whole Palace stands on clean water. So when Bilqis reached to the entry, she stopped. Yet she was asked to enter. So she pulled her garments to her knee.

Qur’an says- She was told, "Enter the palace."
But when she saw it, she thought it was a body of water and uncovered her shins (to wade through). He said, "Indeed, it is a palace (whose floor is) made smooth with glass."
She said, "My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the worlds." (27:44)

Later the King Solomon and the Queen Bilqis took farewell of each other, and she set out with her retinue to go to her own country, surrounded by the peace of God.

The End.
Not Yet Verified.

# Some one says,  "She thought it was a body of water and uncovered her shins." -How could a Book of God mention this, will you pl explain?

@ I said, "The King had informed from a reliable source, that one of the feet of the Queen was the foot of a goat. So he planned a cunning plan in his wisdom, whereby he might be able to see her foot without asking [her to show it to him]. ha ha ha!!.
"Do you know about The KEBRA NAGAST?. It is a book of Myth of the Myths." 

Yosef Tobi (2007), "QUEEN OF SHEBA", Encyclopaedia Judaica, 16 (2nd ed.), Gale, p. 765
A. F. L. Beeston (1995), "SABAʾ", The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 8 (2nd ed.), Brill, pp. 663–665
E. Ullendorff (1991), "BILḲĪS", The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2 (2nd ed.), Brill, pp. 1219–1220
"SOLOMON", Encyclopaedia Judaica, 18 (2nd ed.), Gale, pp. 755–763
Ludwig Blau (1905), "SHEBA, QUEEN OF", Jewish Encyclopedia, 11, Funk and Wagnall, pp. 235‒236
Joseph Jacobs (1906), "RIDDLE", in Isidore Singer; et al., Jewish Encyclopedia, 10, p. 408b–409a
A. Jamme (2003), "SABA (SHEBA)", New Catholic Encyclopedia, 12 (2nd ed.), Gale, pp. 450–451